10 Habits To Show That A Person Was Born In A Poor Family
1. Concerns about Food Security: Constant worries about food and nutrition might stem from past financial difficulties. People from such backgrounds might struggle with weight, have an aversion to wasting food, or develop poor eating habits.
2. Saving the Best for Last.
Leaving the best part of a meal for the end is a habit developed from the anticipation of scarcity. This way, the most enjoyable part is savored for longer.
3. Reluctance to Splurge.
Individuals who’ve experienced financial challenges might delay non-essential purchases, adhering to a “delayed shopping” rule to ensure they’re spending wisely.
4. Working Hard for Small Earnings.
Growing up knowing that consistent income is essential, even if meager, can create a fear of job loss. This fear motivates them to work hard to secure their livelihood.
5. Valuing Possessions.
Developing an attachment to personal belongings is a common trait among those who’ve had to work hard for what they own.
6. Yearning for Miracles.
People who haven’t experienced financial hardship may see winning the lottery or hambling as a way to attain happiness. Those who’ve faced destitution differentiate between urgent needs and unrealistic hopes for miracles.
7. Entitlement mentality
People born in poor homes usually believe that they are entitled to the money and possessions of the affluent ones around them.
8. Lack of Appreciation
Poor people are usually ungrateful and can go to the extent of blaming their benefactor for their woes even when they were miserable long before he/she came around.
9. Belief in Juju
Poor people relate every single positive/negative occurrence to the spiritual. They also believe success is attained by juju because they were born into a home where nothing big happened no matter the level of effort put in.
10. Competition
Poor people are highly competitive. This is because they are easily intimidated by everything. A neighbour laughing in his apartment can cause poor people to bring 3 of their lousy friends to disturb the vicinity the next day. A neighbour bringing home a chick for the night can lead to poor man bringing 3 dirty skanks for the next 3 days. The worst is you having anything they don’t have. Poor people can compete against a 5KVA generator with an I Pass My Neighbour or their hire purchase Keke Marwa against a 4Runner jeep. When poor people can no longer compete they resort to gossip to try and destroy the reputation of the person they lost to.
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