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Date fruit is a
reddish-brown oval-shaped staple food that originates from the Middle East.

It is small and sweet, growing in clusters on the date palm

Whether eaten dry or wet, dates provide the body with
several benefits due to their nutritional components.

Date fruit contains antioxidants that also have
anti-inflammatory effects.

Three of the most potent antioxidants in dates are
flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acid.

Antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that may cause harmful
reactions in your body and lead to disease.

Several studies have however stated that flavonoids
contained in date can help reduce the risk of diabetes and
Alzheimer’s disease.

Carotenoids and Phenolic acid, on the other hand, have been
proven to be effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The consumption of dates helps improve brain function and
thinking skills.

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The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory potential in dates
have been proven to be able to prevent plaques from forming in the brain.

study found dates to be helpful in lowering
inflammatory markers, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), in the brain.

However, high levels of IL-6 are associated with a higher
risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

So to improve your brain function and reduce the risk of
neurodegenerative disease, you should add dates to your diet.

Dates are filled with nutritional components that are
beneficial to pregnant women.

When consumed during the last few weeks and f pregnancy,
dates may promote and ease natural labour.

Dates contain tannins, which are compounds that have
been shown to help facilitate contractions,
lower the need for induced
and reduce labour time.

They are also a good source of natural sugar and calories,
which are necessary to maintain energy levels during labour.


Dates are high in fibre which is beneficial to one’s overall
health, particularly the digestive system.

Fruit fibre has been proven to be
effective in preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements by
contributing to the formation of stool.

study stated
that 21 people who consumed 7 dates per day for 21 days experienced
improvements in stool frequency and had a significant increase in bowel
movements compared to when they didn’t.

The fibre in dates is beneficial in regulating blood sugar.

Fibre slows digestion and helps prevent blood sugar levels
from spiking too high.

The date fruit also has a low glycemic index.

The glycemic index (GI) is a way of measuring the effect of
carbs on your blood sugar levels.

Dates’ low GI  means they’re less likely to spike your
blood sugar levels.

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So dates have been proven to
be a good choice for people with diabetes.

Date fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C and D which
helps keep the skin smooth and maintain its elasticity.

study also
states that date creams promote skin moisture content, elasticity, and

  • Serves
    as a natural sweetener

A natural type of sugar can be found in dates called

The fructose in dates makes it an easy and healthy
alternative to white sugar in one’s diet. The nutrients and antioxidants in
date also make it very healthy.

In order to have a healthy diet, you can use date
paste/syrup rather than white sugar.

Dates contain several minerals, which include potassium,
calcium, and magnesium.

So all of these minerals have been proven to
be able to strengthen bones and also prevent bone-related diseases like osteoporosis.