
#EndSARS: Nigeria Ex Int'l Boxer Calls For Resignation and Prosecution Of Defaulters

Nigeria ex International boxer Mazi Ikechukwu Okoronkwo blame those in Government authority over ENDSARS PROTEST and called for resignation and prosecution of those responsible for innocent killing of civilians .
It is glaring that Unholy act masterminded by most Nigeria political office holders when seeking for Election to powers are the major reason of corruption in Law enforcement agencies.
Both political office holders and law enforcement agencies compromised their positions and people mandate for personal selfish interest.
As Police brutality is the forum used by Ruling class as threat to their opponents.
To the extent that Police abuses their power believing that their evil business ally in political positions will always frustrate any petition coming from the public in seek for cause of Justice.
The common man on the street, find it hard to get justice.
Because executives normally triggered unnecessary prosecution against the innocent by using some of their ally in Judicial Institution to imprison many innocent Common Nigerians to frustrate the cause of Justice
The above trend is calculated to have contributed to the degree of deverse protest against the police authorities and bad Governance.
The best options for peace and Unity is that Corrupt political office holders must repent and give their life to God and service to humanity as public servant..
Nigerians at this time desires practical action like remorse/regret by their political leaders, repentance,peace and positive way forward rather than political office holders chopping for unnecessary forum to continue to commit Genocide ( killing of the protesters) or trigger of mass Shooting of civilians.
It is important to remove all police escort from every Nigerian political officers/ holders so that they will be pushed to be close to the people since they claimed that the people like them and voted them to office.
It is also very important for Nigeria Government to implement unemployment benefits as statutory mandate in Nigeria System so that every Nigerian both fit or disable youth and old must have reasonable amount of money that Government must remit in his or her account as weekly or monthly payment for house rent, feeding and basic human needs.
Categories of Nigerian youth are very hungry and angry because police are protecting political Thieves that have distroyed our Institutions.
Those Nigerians Youth whom politicians discribed as Hoodlums are same youth Government abondon to die of hunger and lack of shelter.
Those Youth Voices were formerly frustrated by Political Office holders using SARS among others law enforcement agencies without any crime being committed by them.
The above categories of youth chop and used this ENDSARS forum to air their cry for Freedom, Voice and demand for dividends of Democracy.
The Question Mazi Ikechukwu Okoronkwo are tempted to asked is?
Where is Tinubu,APC,PDP and other top political office holders who claimed that the people love them.let them come out and addressed the people,they claimed that voted for them into office and calm the youth down.
It is regrettable that We, Nigerian Sports ex internationals Boxers, Footballers, Athletics, Wrestlers,Judokas,etc, Heroes and other celebrities including musicians,actors were neglected over time.
We are not politicians by profession but most of us knew the major problems and solutions to Nigeria problem better than current political office holders.because we are at the grassroot and close to the people.
It is now clear that No amount of bribe by political office holders can buy all Nigeria youth now.
Imagine Evil politicians looting public fund to buy vote so to continue with their evil act in powers but Now God have catch them by exposing that it is the mandate from people that they are acting upon unholy.
All of us must live in Nigeria to see the consequence of our Action and know who is for God and who is doing the will of God our creator.
Another question Mazi Ikechukwu Okoronkwo is tempted to ask is?
Why do majority of Nigeria ex international boxers and others took another country citizens.
The answer is because corrupt Political Office holders in Nigeria have distroyed patriotism and Values.
Another question Mazi Ikechukwu Okoronkwo is tempted to Ask is? Why is our youth running away to abroad for greener pasture living their parent to die without being present in the bury?
The answer is that our Police system have been distroyed by selfish political office holders and corrupt Civil servants.
In another development.Imagine the poor state of police, Army Shelter among others.
Nigeria Political office holders are in habit of using our youth as police, DSS, Army among others to gain advantage against their opponents and later dump those youth after using him or her back to barrack which is regrettable..
In another development.Why is all this unnecessary shooting and killing of unarmed civilians at Lekki Lagos Sate and Nike Lake Rd Enugu State and other States.
To be continued
Nigeria is in the hands of God

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