
"I Will Pay $15,000 Monthly To Any Man Who Will Marry Me Under This Condition”- Lady Says

A Ghanian lady disclosed that she’ll pay any man who wants to marry her , the sum of GHc25,000 weekly but has to meet some requirements.
According to Isabella, she has made a lot of money from where she works as a result of a connection one of her sugar daddies did for her but she has intentions of settling down once and for all.
However, men who have interest in marrying her must be ready to succumb to her conditions which she outlined on social media.
My name is Isabella Johnson, and I have been living here in Kumasi Ghana since I was little. Initially I was living with my parents, just like few kilometers from my current residence, before I moved into my own personal apartment, here in Kumasi, but I will not disclose the address for security purposes.
Honestly speaking, I have had a lot of relationship which I will say clearly that it has never favoured me.
I have dated Young boys and boys of my Age, but It seems like I don’t have luck when it comes to relationships and daring.
Most of this boys will promise me heaven and earth for me to accept them, of which I gave them reasons beyond doubt that they will not fail me, but all to no avail. Within 1 year, the relationship will start to crumble, of which what will follow next will be breaking up.
But on dating some old men, I was able to gain access and connection to where I work now, and I earn huge amount of Money every month, as you will be shock to find out how much I earn.
But ever since then, I have been single and searching for love.
I have met so many men who claimed to love me, but a long the line I will discover what they want is my money and not Marriage.
So I have decided to give any man GHc90,000 monthly to any man who will agree to marry me under this Condition as I state below.
1. To marry me, you must be a tall handsome
gentleman, who knows how to make a lady happy at all times.
2. To marry me you must know how to cook most of Ghana’s Mouth tasty meals. And your food must always be tasty.
3. You must be good in all ramifications, both in the other way round (am sure you know what I mean by being good in all Ramifications).
4. You must always stay at home all day to keep after the house, because I will be the one working and will be paying you GHc90,000 monthly. So there won’t be need for you to go out and work.
5. You can only hangout with your friends on only Sundays. And if you want to hangout with tour friends, you must include me in your plans because I now have trust issues.
6. You must not answer any call from any other woman except that of your family members and relations. Nothing like “she is just a friend”, that is unacceptable.
7. Before a Baby will come and live with us, our babies must have gotten to the age of Juvenile, and any nanny that will come to live with us must be an Old woman, and I will be the one to choose who it will be.
8. You don’t dare discuss our private lives to your friends, family members, relatives and wellwishers. It is meant to be secret between us.
9. Under no circumstances or condition should any of your friends past the night in our House. This is our home and not theirs.

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