
See Interesting Argument About God Between My 8 Year Old Son And A 7yr Old Atheist

See Interesting Argument About God Between My 8 Year Old Son And A 7yr Old Atheist

See Interesting Argument About God Between My 8 Year Old Son And A 7yr Old Atheist

My Son is super smart and at 8 has already been given double promotion twice in school. The 1st one he got was in the 2nd term of that year and he was only able to join the new class in their 3rd term yet he still came first and the school thought it necessary to move him again. So he is now in a class with kids 3yrs older than he is and already besting them too.

We are a very God loving family and even though I have never sat my son down to talk to him about God, I do ensure he goes to Church with me and joins me in my daily morning devotions. I do notice that he has an extremely inquisitive mind and would rather watch educational channels on DStv than cartoons especially since they stopped showing his best cartoon “Goku”

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So we have this neighbour who is from Greece. His 7 yr old son and my son can be considered best of friends and they visit each other at will. So on this day he came to visit and while they were hanging out I suddenly heard them arguing from his room. Normally their arguments would be over a video game or something else but this one was interesting. They were arguing about God!

I stood by the door and listened. Apparently that day revealed to me that my neighbour is an atheist but I never knew and he has been indoctrinating his 7yr old son along those lines because I clearly heard the boy say to my Son, “God does not exist, he is just a story”

So here is the convo

Him: God is not real, He does not exist, He is just a story

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My Son: Ethan what did you say?

Him: God is not real, He is just like Santa who also isn’t real

My Son: How do you know he isn’t real?

Him: Well my dad said he isn’t real because he just isn’t. Have you seen him?

My Son: So your dad says God isn’t real because he hasn’t seen him? So something isn’t real because you can’t see it? But what about feeling Him?

Him: Feelings are not something we can um um fully determine because they can be misleading

My Son: How can you say Feelings are misleading, you are my friend right? (He goes yeah?) So how are you sure you are my friend if your feelings can be misleading. Can you say your feelings misled you into being my friend?

Him: No that’s not what I was trying to say

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My Son cuts him off with a sharp tone: So if your feelings did not mislead you into being my friend how then do feelings mislead you?

Him: Have you felt God before?

My Son: No but I do know that I think about him a lot

Him: umm umm but How would you possibly be thinking about something that does not exist

My Son: Exactly Ethan!

At this point I step into the room and cheerfully say Okay guys playtime is over (because I needed to stop the argument and get my Son to study by asking his friend to go home)

However his final comment “Exactly Ethan” resonated with me and made me think that comment was actually directed at Ethan’s dad and not Ethan because apparently he had been talking about the non existence of God to his Son A LOT!