
Tinubu led coup in Nigeria remains the most brutal in Africa

Tinubu led coup in Nigeria remains the most brutal in Africa

Tinubu led coup in Nigeria remains the most brutal in Africa

Early hours of Wednesday, the Gabon Milltary announces a coup as they seize electoral materials.

Reacting to this, a twitter user Lawrence I. Okoro ( Sir Law ) @LawrenceOkoroPG has empahsized regarding the level of hardship in Nigeria that Tinubu imposed the worst coup so far in Africa at large in Nigeria.

His tweet read

The Tinubu led coup in Nigeria remains the most brutal in Africa

The coup in Gabon, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Chad, can never measure what Tinubu and the APC has subjected Nigerians to, just to claim power.

It’s a constitutional coup that allows them to loot us dry.

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