

Few days ago the entire state went agog with the news that the Onitsha port has started operations with some alleging that a ship berthed at the ports while the other side of the divide vehemently insisted that what berthed at the ports was rather a barge as the port is not deep enough for ships to berth in.
While this debate raged, the bussiness community in the state watched with arms akimbo because they know first-hand what the true situation is and also know that a solution to this particularly crucial problem can only come from one that knows how to go about delivering the needed interventions that will make Anambra the commercial destination of the country. No classroom will teach you this one.
Question then becomes, who is best fitted, to fill this lacuna ?
Who else other than the very idea bearer who on arrival at the Senate as a first timer immediately moved to secure a gigantic increment in the monies accruable to the federal government via the petroleum downstream sector by bringing a bill to that effect. A bill so crucial that it then had to be specially flown to the President and Commander in Chief abroad for his assent for it to become immediately operational.
Senator Dr Ifeanyi Ubah to the rescue ! .
As the progressives focus on rounding off the intervention in the medical sector of the state with the proposed launch of the Medical Facility in Awka on the 31st October 2020, the next phase of action will be a move to ‘re-engineer the dynamics of and breath life into the economic sector in the state through the commencement of an industrial city as well as bonded terminals of international standard.
The Prince of the Senate, (as fondly nicknamed by his peers in the Red Chambers) in championing this move intends to bring about the ease of doing business to our people and also create a turn around in the economic fortunes of the state.
He intends to deploy his vast connections in ensuring that necessary factors like the dredging of the River Niger etc becomes a reality .
Factors that will see containers coming in from abroad direct to Onitsha port
This vision is inline with his passion at putting smiles on the faces of our people
Little wonder he is about the only man in Anambra that carries the same charisma when he mingles with both the rich and the poor in society, exuding love and affection everywhere he goes.
Little wonder also that he adds life to any gathering, he steps into, with the people always dancing with joy on sighting him to the extent that one can feel the whole atmosphere charged with thrills of excitement amidst the numerous chants of Ebubechukwuzo!!!
A status quo change is coming to Anambra.
The idea bearer is coming with a divine pact with God to give back to his people having benefited so much at a young age from God’s benevolence.
It takes a man with the influence, connections, ideas, experience and charisma to make the above become reality in our dear state post 2022
A man like Senator Dr. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah.
It is the #OpenDoorRevolution.

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