
COVID 19 pandemic is a pure test of Leadership capacity.

According to order made by the Ruling class over gradually ease of lockdown.
The question now is what success have they made on thier provious order of lockdown?.eg before Nigeria COVID19 cases was 1,2 and 3 but in the midst of Lockdown the number had increased to above 2000.

Now by the relax order every business is regulated by time frame
Which is a stringent one.

Another one is that from deputy directors and above are to come to work only.which may lead to shortage of manpower to implement Government policy.
The question, how is the Government going to get the vat and Taxes as claimed that will be used to augment resources from falling crude oil?
From the above, it is clear that various levels of leadership in Nigeria does not understand the consequence of thier policies and actions.
Thank God election is still far as the makers of the above policies will remain in power to witness the result and outcome.
Those Orders seems as Mission impossible,as it is glaring that people experiences is different from what is being said by the Leaders at various levels of Government to the same public.” Then who is fooling who? because the right strategy is not in place,that is the reason of non compliance/ failure which no one want to accept the responsibility rather the blames is channel to the innocent, hungry and neglected citizens.

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The lesson our people should learn from this COVID 19 is that Nigerians needs leaders that can defend our independence as a nation.
Nigerians should think of creative leaders not beggars because the manner most of the leaders are seeking for help from others who are in more pains than Nigeria is worrisome and unbelievable considering all the blessings to Nigeria by God in terms of Natural resouces and Agriculture. Children kept answering questions and answer to them is that corruption from those in Government is the cause.
The lesson from COVID19 should be corrected by Nigerians through 2023 election.

Covid19 a test of leadership
Mazi Ikechukwu Okoronkwo

from Mazi Ikechukwu Okoronkwo

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